Preventive dentistry is the practice of caring for one's teeth to keep them healthy. This helps to avoid cavities, gum disease, enamel wear, and more. There are many forms of preventive dentistry, such as daily brushing and bi-annual dental cleanings. Here at Dublin Woods Family Dentistry we believe the best way to keep your beautiful smile is to be proactive. Our hygienists will cater to your individual needs and give you productive advice to make sure we only see you twice a year!
Preventive services include but are not limited to your routine dental cleanings, sealants and fluoride treatments for children, calcium treatments, and periodontal maintenance.
What is a Routine Teeth Cleaning? Teeth cleaning is a routine procedure that should be done every 6 months to a year. It removes all plaque and tarter from the teeth which builds up over time. Dental cleanings can take anywhere from thirty minutes to an hour depending on how long it has been since your last hygiene visit. The dentist may also take x-rays so he or she is better equipped to diagnose any problems you may have. X-rays allow the dentist to see inter-proximal areas of the teeth that can not be seen by examination alone. Routine teeth cleanings are typically pain free depending on the patients sensitivity level or pain threshold. The more often you get your teeth cleaned the less likely a patient will experience discomfort. Home care is also a large factor in the experience you will have during this visit. Good home care/oral hygiene is the most important aspect in preventative dentistry. Brushing regularly and flossing are helpful tools in maintaining a healthy mouth. Dental cleanings conclude with advice from your dentist and the possibility of a second visit to address any issues the doctor found during your exam. What if I have a Heart Condition? It is important to let your dental professionals know of any medical history changes since your last visit. This includes but is not limited to hospitalizations, surgeries, medication changes, or diagnosis. Anyone with a heart condition or who has undergone heart surgery should let the dentist know prior to the day of the teeth cleaning. People with heart problems or heart defects are at high risk for developing a condition called bacterial endocarditis, which can seriously affect the heart. The only treatment needed prior to a dental cleaning, unless otherwise instructed, is a dose of antibiotics an hour before the cleaning. What is Periodontal Maintenance? A Periodontal Maintenance procedure include a predominance of power scaling to debride the depths of periodontal pockets. The goal is thorough debridement of pathogens that have repopulated in the sulcus. Periodontal pathogens reside in and on calculus, on the root surface biofilm with no calculus, in sulcular epithelium, and free floating in the sulcus.